Trust In Allah And All Will Be Well

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Searching for a place to call HOME.....

Jun 5, 2012

Life comes with a resposibility

To have your deen being insulted, humiliated, misunderstood, manipulated, etc etc is very, very hurtful, painful, and outraged me. But do you know what makes me feel worse? It is being a pathetic me not being able to do something to back-up my deen the way it deserves to be defended, in an outspoken way. Don't get me wrong. Im not a Muslim who would choose to stay silent as silent as I could be or pretend that I dont hear what you say when you say bad about Islam, or a person who would prefer to hang on the wall that divides truth and falseness just to stay safe. Im not all that. I know my ability to shut people mouth from saying what I hate to hear but yet I'm still in need of the skills to say it the way I should, the blessed way, the way I wouldnt bite my tongue later and think 'I should have said this and this instead'.

I have a Bugis blood and I know what this trait has done to my character. My blood can be boiled at lower temperatures when specific buttons are pressed and the most powerful button is when u say something very foolish and false about my belief, things Im sure is 100% astray and dangerous to one's faith and when you say it like you are a scholar/imam but yet there is not any bit of qualification that u own that makes your opinions about Islam is at least close to thinkable and right. Plus, if your manner as a Muslim, the way you dress, speak, drink, eat, walk, socialize, etc is close to or just like your non-muslim mates'.

Alright, nobody is perfect. You should welcome all critics about your religion and regard it in a positive point of view. Tell you what, the only thing positive about such thing/person who attacks me with his or her ignorance is the growing hatred I have towards being ignorance that makes me want to be aware not to become like them, in any way enshaaa Allah!

I dont agree when people say you have to always think positive, in any way so you will feel happy all day, seven days a week, forever.... Do you think I have the right to think positive over things that absolutely need me to think negative? and when my forever-positive thoughts can actually take me to hell?? How would you act when someone is making a nonesense argument about changing the name of Allah to 'Ah' like Allah has a nickname ( Astaghfirullah!) to make it easy and lighter to utter/recite? As I said, Astaghfirullah! and what is with those people who say that the water that has been 'read' with certain verses from the Quran cant be put together with all the other 'ordinary' water on the shelf?? This is just rediculous and out of mind. First, I dont even agree about water being 'read' or blown with verses by sheikhs or alchemists what so ever, can change fate. I do believe in the scientific finding about the miracle of water molecules that can shape according to what you tell them to shape. But having a sheikh or certain people blowing ur water and believe in the ability of the water to 'change' things is not my thing. Second, I dont know what is this ordinary and extraordinary water thing is about. The only confirmly blessed water I know is the water of zam zam that never dries in the dessert of Saudi Arabia that has a reward for those who drink it, proven by authentic hadeeth that I can hold on to and third, I believe that to purify your sins, what you need is not to drink water but to sit and think about all the sins u have commited, feel ashamed of commiting them all and repent. Ok maybe you need some water in term of tears and water to take wudooo so you can perform salah and get closer to your Creator swt.

The funny thing is when someone is trying to prove their religious opinions are authentic by quoting some words from certain scholars/islamic representatives. I mean, well if you claim yourself as a muslim you should 've been be ready to know the only source to prove the authenticity of what you say about Islam is from Quran and the sayings of the Prophet s.a.w a.k.a the hadeeth/sunnah. Quote me all the grammatical words you have memorized from the sayings of ahlul sufi or ahlul bid'ah or ahlul secularist what so ever ahlul doesnt make me want to buy what you are selling! Who you think you are dealing with when you argue with me? I am a Muslim. Is it difficult to find out the best way to 'tackle' me?

Knowledge is power and practice makes perfect. Me, is to be blame for the thing Im weeping about right now which is my inability to have the maw3idzatil 7asanah (the best way) in arguing/preaching/debating/dialoguing with ignorants/traitors/misleading individuals who seem to be well-trained enough to break my heart and boil by blood.

But I wont let these people rule the world Im living in. I gona do something to develop what Im lacking. Just watch me! I will do my best because I have no other choice than to try the way my religion is suggesting me. If u want to back-up ur deen, do as what it tells you to!

May Allah help us all to defend this beloved Islam with all that we have. Nothing is impossible as long as we do our best enshaaaa Allaaaah

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